What is cybersecurity?

In the modern world there is a rapid increase in the number of cyber threats. News feeds of the world media report new incidents every day. Businesses and government agencies are trying to withstand a barrage of attacks, hackers are emptying the bank accounts of ordinary citizens, and therefore reliable protection against threats in the digital world is becoming a basic need. Let’s figure out what cybersecurity is and why it is so important for each of us.

Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems (hardware, software and data) from cyber threats.

How is cybersecurity different from information security?
The terms “cybersecurity” and “information security” are often used interchangeably. However, in reality these terms are very different and are not interchangeable. Cybersecurity refers to protection from attacks in cyberspace, and information security refers to the protection of data from any form of threats, regardless of whether they are analogue or digital.

What is covered by cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity practices can be applied in a variety of areas – from industrial enterprises to mobile devices of ordinary users:

Security of critical infrastructure – measures to protect computer systems, networks of critical information infrastructure (CII) objects. CII facilities include electrical networks, transport networks, automated control systems and information and communication systems and many other systems, the protection of which is vital for the security of the country and the well-being of citizens.
Network security – protecting the underlying network infrastructure from unauthorized access and misuse, as well as theft of information. Technology involves creating a secure infrastructure for devices, applications and users.
Application Security – Security measures applied at the application level to prevent theft or compromise of data or application code. The techniques cover security issues that arise in the development, design, deployment, and operation of applications.
Cloud security is an interconnected set of policies, controls, and tools to protect cloud computing systems from cyber threats. Cloud security measures are aimed at ensuring the security of data, online infrastructure, and applications and platforms. Cloud security shares a number of concepts with traditional cybersecurity, but the field also has its own best practices and unique technologies.
User training. A security awareness program is an important measure in building reliable company protection. Practicing good digital hygiene among employees helps strengthen endpoint security. Thus, users who are informed about current threats will not open attachments from suspicious emails, will refuse to use untrusted USB devices, and will stop attaching login and password stickers to their monitors.
Disaster recovery (business continuity planning) is a set of strategies, policies and procedures that determine how an organization should respond to potential threats or unforeseen disasters in order to properly adapt to them and minimize negative consequences.
Operational security is the process of managing security and risk that prevents sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands. Operational security principles were originally used by the military to prevent classified information from reaching the enemy. Operational security practices are now widely used to protect businesses from potential data leaks.
Types of Cyber ​​Security Threats
Cybersecurity technologies and best practices protect critical systems and sensitive information from the rapidly growing volume of sophisticated cyberattacks.

Below are the main types of threats that modern cybersecurity combats:

Malicious software (malware)
Any program or file that can cause damage to a computer, network, or server. Malware includes computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware and spyware. Malware steals, encrypts and deletes sensitive data, alters or hijacks basic computing functions, and monitors computer or application activity.

Social engineering
An attack method based on human interaction. Attackers gain the trust of users and force them to violate security procedures and give out confidential information.

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